Nymphalidae -- Brush-Footed

  Family Nymphalidae ( Brush-Footed)

    Subfamily Danainae
         Genus Parantica, Ideopsis, Tirumala, Danaus ( The Tigers )
         Genus Euploea ( The Crows )
         Genus Idea ( The Tree Nymphs )

    Subfamily Morphinae
         Genus Faunis ( The Fauns )
         Genus Aemona ( The Dryads )
         Genus Sticopthalma ( The Junglequeens )
         Genus Thaumantis ( The Jungle Glory )
         Genus Thauria ( The Jungleking)
             Genus Amathusia ( The Palmkings )
             Genus Amathuxidia ( The Kohinoor )
             Genus Discophora, Thaumantis, Enispe ( The Duffers and Caliphs )

    Subfamily Satyrinae
             Genus Orsotriaena ( The Nigger )
             Genus Cyllogenes, Melanitis, Parantirrhoea ( The Evening Browns )
             Genus Lethe, Neope ( The Treebrowns, Forester, Woodbrown, Forks, Labyrinth, Mystic )
             Genus Chonala, Lasiommata ( The Walls )
             Genus Orinoma ( The Tigerbrown )
             Genus Rhapicera ( The Tawny Walls )
             Genus Penthema ( The Kaisers )
             Genus Ethope ( The Dusky Diadem )
             Genus Neorina ( The Owl )
             Genus Elymnias ( The Palmflies )
             Genus Mycalesis, Heteropsis ( The Bushbrowns )
             Genus Coelites, Erites, Ragadia, Coenonympha, Zipaetis (The Catseye, Cyclops, Heath, Ringlet)
             Genus Hyponephele ( The Meadowbrowns )
             Genus Aulocera ( The Satyrs )
             Genus Callerebia,Hemadara, Paroeneis, Loxerebia ( The Arguses )
             Genus Chazara ( The Rockbrowns )
             Genus Satyrus ( The Satyrs )
             Genus Ypthima ( The Rings )

    Subfamily Limenitidinae
             Genus Limenitis ( The Admirals )
             Genus Sumalia, Parasarpa, Auzakia, Bhagadatta ( The Commodores)
             Genus Moduza ( The Commander )
             Genus Athyma ( The Sergeants )
             Genus Lebadea ( The Knight )
             Genus Pantoporia, Lasippa ( The Lascars )
             Genus Neptis, Phaedyma ( The Sailers )
             Genus Parthenos ( The Clipper )
             Genus Euthalia ( The Barons, Dukes, Banded Marquis )
             Genus Tanaecia ( The Counts and Earls)
             Genus Neurosigma ( The Panther )
             Genus Abrota ( The Sergeant-Major )
             Genus Lexias,Bassarona ( The Archduke, Marquis )
             Genus Dophla ( The Redspot Duke )

    Subfamily Libytheinae
             Genus Libythea ( The Beaks )

    Subfamily Charaxinae
             Genus Charaxes ( The Rajahs )
             Genus Charaxes (= Polyura ) ( The Nawabs )
             Genus Prothoe, Agatasa ( The Begums )

    Subfamily Calinaginae
             Genus Calinaga ( The Freak )

    Subfamily Cyrestinae
             Genus Cyrestis ( The Maps )
             Genus Chersonesia ( The Maplets )
             Genus Dichorragia, Stibochiona ( The Constable, Popinjay )

    Subfamily Heliconiinae
             Genus Acraea ( The Tawny and Yellow Coster )
             Genus Cethosia ( The Lacewings )
             Genus Clossiana ( The Jerdon''s Silverspot )
             Genus Kuekenthaliella, Issoria, Fabriciana, Argyreus, Speyeria ( The Fritillaries )
             Genus Phalanta ( The Leopards )
             Genus Vindula ( The Cruiser )
             Genus Cirrochroa ( The Yeomans )
             Genus Cupha ( The Rustic )
             Genus Vagrans ( The Vagrant )
             Genus Childrena, Argynnis ( The Silverstripes )

    Subfamily Pseudergolinae
             Genus Pseudergolis ( The Tabby )

    Subfamily Biblidinae
             Genus Ariadne ( The Castors )
             Genus Laringa ( The Banded Dandy )
             Genus Byblia ( The Joker )

    Subfamily Apaturinae
             Genus Mimathyma, Chitoria, Eulacera ( The Emperors )
             Genus Rohana ( The Prince )
             Genus Euripus ( The Courtesans )

    Subfamily Nymphalinae
             Genus Araschnia ( The Mongol )
             Genus Symbrenthia ( The Jesters )
             Genus Vanessa ( The Red Admiral & Painted Lady )
             Genus Nymphalis ( The Tortoiseshells )
             Genus Junonia ( The Pansies )
             Genus Hypolimnas ( The Eggflies )
             Genus Kallima ( The Oakleafs )
             Genus Doleschallia ( The Autumn Leaf )
             Genus Rhinopalpa ( The Wizard )