Host and Nectar Plants                   Click here for list of plants

  • Lifecycle of Common Jay - Graphium doson Felder & Felder, 1864
    Lifecycle of Common Jay - Graphium doson Felder & Felder, 1864
  • Common Jay - Graphium doson
    Common Jay - Graphium doson
  • Lifecycle of Common Mime -  Papilio (Chilasa) clytia, Linnaeus, 1758 ssp. lankeswara
    Lifecycle of Common Mime - Papilio (Chilasa) clytia, Linnaeus, 1758 ssp. lankeswara
  • Lifecycle of Tailed Jay - Graphium agamemnon menides Fruhstorfer, 1904
    Lifecycle of Tailed Jay - Graphium agamemnon menides Fruhstorfer, 1904
  • Lime Butterfly - Papilio demoleus
    Lime Butterfly - Papilio demoleus