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Indian Purple Emperor -- Mimathyma ambica Kollar, 1844 vs Restricted Purple Emperor -- Mimathyma bhavana Moore, 1881

December 31, 1969

Indian Purple Emperor --  Mimathyma ambica Kollar, 1844 vs Restricted Purple Emperor -- Mimathyma bhavana Moore, 1881

Indian Purple Emperor -- Mimathyma ambica Kollar, 1844 vs Restricted Purple Emperor -- Mimathyma bhavana Moore, 1881
Common Name: Indian Purple Emperor
Scientific Name: Mimathyma ambica Kollar, 1844
Place: Gedu
Country: Bhutan
Date: 2013

Common Name: Restricted Purple Emperor
Scientific Name: Mimathyma bhavana Moore, 1881
Place: Gedu
Country: Bhutan
Date: 2012

Photographed By: Sonam Dorji

ID keys :
Extracted from -
Rediscovery of Mimathyma bhavana Moore, 1881 : a long neglected aparturine species from
Northern Myanmar ( Leidoptera, Nymphalidae , Aparturinae )
Akio Masui, #404 , 2-13-9 Himon'ya , Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-0003, Japan
Mimathyma bhavana Moore, 1881 ( Male ) differs from Mimathyma ambica Kollar, 1844 ( Male ), and represents a distinct
species in the following respects:
(1) The border of the blue iridescence on the upper-side of both wings is well defined
in the discal area, and does not reach the margin of wings.
(2) The outer border of upper-side wings have unspotted pale fascia instead of white spots.
(3) The forewing upper-side has only two small sub-apical white spots.
(4) The orange spot on the upper-side hindwing anal angle is less developed.
(5) The inner margin of the white discal band on the underside is clearly defined with narrow
black lines. (6) The underside linear brown marking are paler.
(7) The outer margin of the brown post discal line of the hindwing underside is continuously
defined with black lines.
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