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Club Beak -- Libythea myrrha Godart, 1819 vs Common Beak -- Libythea lepita Moore, 1857

December 31, 1969

Club Beak -- Libythea myrrha Godart, 1819 vs Common Beak --  Libythea lepita Moore, 1857

Club Beak -- Libythea myrrha Godart, 1819 vs Common Beak -- Libythea lepita Moore, 1857
Club Beak -- Libythea myrrha Godart, 1819
Common Name: Club Beak
Scientific Name : Libythea myrrha Godart, 1819
Idkey : Above, forewing with no dark yellow spot in 1b;
Spot beyond cell joined to cell-streak, making
a continuous club-like marking

Common Beak -- Libythea lepita Moore, 1857
Common Name : Common Beak
Scientific Name: Libythea lepita Moore, 1857
Photo by Milind Bhakare
Idkey : Above, forewing with no dark yellow spot in 1b;
Spot beyond end cell separate from cell-streak
or just joined to it by a narrow neck
ID plate compiled by Kishen Das
Tags: idkey

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