Host and Nectar Plants                   Click here for list of plants

  • Common Jezebel -- Delias eucharis Drury, 1773(Egg)
    Common Jezebel -- Delias eucharis Drury, 1773(Egg)
  • Common Grass Yellow -- Eurema hecabe Linnaeus, 1758 ( Egg)
    Common Grass Yellow -- Eurema hecabe Linnaeus, 1758 ( Egg)
  • Great Orange Tip -- Hebomoia glaucippe Linnaeus, 1758(Egg)
    Great Orange Tip -- Hebomoia glaucippe Linnaeus, 1758(Egg)
  • Small Salmon Arab -- Colotis amata Fabricius, 1775
    Small Salmon Arab -- Colotis amata Fabricius, 1775
  • Three-spot Grass yellow -- Eurema blanda Boisduval, 1836 (Egg)
    Three-spot Grass yellow -- Eurema blanda Boisduval, 1836 (Egg)
  • Three-spot Grass yellow -- Eurema blanda Boisduval, 1836 (Egg)
    Three-spot Grass yellow -- Eurema blanda Boisduval, 1836 (Egg)
  • White Orange Tip -- Ixias marianne Cramer, 1779 (Egg)
    White Orange Tip -- Ixias marianne Cramer, 1779 (Egg)