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Blue Nawab -- Polyure schreiber assamensis Rothschild, 1899

December 31, 1969

Blue Nawab -- Polyure schreiber assamensis Rothschild, 1899

Blue Nawab -- Polyura schreiber assamensis Rothschild, 1899
Common Name: Blue Nawab
Scientific Name: Polyura schreiber assamensis Rothschild, 1899
Place:Jeypore-Dehing,Assam, India
Date: November/2010
Status: Very rare
Distribution: S.India(ssp. wardi), Assam -N.Burma(ssp. assamensis), Karens-S.Burma, Andamans(ssp. tisamenus)
Photographed By Mosoon Jyoti Gogoi

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