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Branded Royal -- Tajuria melastigma de Nicéville, 1887

December 31, 1969

Branded Royal -- Tajuria melastigma de Nicéville, 1887

Branded Royal -- Tajuria melastigma de Nicéville, 1887
Common Name : Branded Royal
Scientific Name : Tajuria melastigma de Nicéville, 1887
Place: Buxa Tiger Reserve, Jalpaiguri Dist., West Bengal, India
Date: December/2010
Genus Ops - The Branded Royal
Ops melastigma (de Nicéville, 1887). Branded Royal, previously Tajuria melastigma de Nicéville (L55.4).
Author: de Niceville(1887)
OD : Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1887(3):460, pl.40, fig.1?.
Type Locality: Sikkim
Range: Uttaranchal to Arunachal pradesh, southern Western Ghats(India), Bangladesh,Mayanmar , North Thailand, Laos,Vietnam.
ID Key: UNH discal line conspicuously broken at V4, below often rosy, specially in Female. above pale blue.
Larval Host Plant: Dendrophthoe spp.
Photographed By: Vivek Sarkar

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